Additional Resources


American Montessori Society provides the leadership and inspiration to make Montessori a significant voice in education.

The Association Montessori Internationale was founded in 1929 by Dr. Maria Montessori to maintain the integrity of her life’s work, and to ensure that it would be perpetuated after her death.

Association of Illinois Montessori Schools provides a professional organizational structure for Member Montessori Schools.

The Montessori Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the advancement of Montessori education in the United States and abroad.

The International Montessori Index brings together a professional group of educators interested in the field of child development, education in general, and Montessori specifically.

In the News

In response to COVID-19, MSOL installed a needlepoint bi-polar ionization air purification system to all HVAC units on campus in August 2020. 

Magazines & Books

The Absorbent Mind by Maria Montessori — In response to the crisis in American education, more than five thousand public and private schools across the nation have adopted the timeless Montessori Method of teaching, of which this book is the cornerstone.

The Montessori Method by Maria Montessori — The book that introduced Montessori to America. This is Dr. Montessori’s most complete account of the history, philosophy, and practice of her teaching method. It is an essential work for teachers, parents, and all those interested in unleashing human potential for the betterment of our world. 

The Secret of Childhood by Maria Montessori — Maria Montessori describes the child with warmth and the exactness of a scientist. She also discusses the array of materials and techniques needed to release his learning potential.

Montessori From the Start by Paula Polk- Lillard— Based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s instructions for raising infants, its comprehensive exploration of the first three years incorporates the furnishings and tools she created for the care and comfort of babies. 

Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius by Angeline Stoll Lillard—  Lillard presents the research concerning eight insights that are foundations of Montessori education, describing how each of these insights is applied in the Montessori classroom. In reading this book, parents and teachers alike will develop a clear understanding of what happens in a Montessori classroom and, more important, why it happens and why it works. 

Nurturing the Spirit by Aline Wolf —  A valuable synthesis of Montessori’s most compelling ideas about children’s spiritual needs, author Aline D. Wolf also offers practical suggestions for deepening one’s own spirituality and sense of community. 

A Parent’s Guide to the Montessori Classroom by Aline Wolf — This guide gives a consice explanation of the method and materials used in the Montessori classroom for 3-6 year olds. An excellent tool for educating parents interested in or new to Montessori.

The Montessori Controversy by John Chattin-McNicols — This excellent book presents a balanced review of the strengths and weaknesses of the Montessori method. Detailed information is given on the Montessori educational philosophy, terms, and concepts. This history of Montessori education in the United States is discussed, along with the reasons for the split between Maria Montessori and ‘traditional’ early childhood education proponents.

The Joyful Child:Montessori, Global Wisdom from Birth to Three by Susan Mayclin Stephenson—  The first three years of life are too important for experiments, but the Montessori guidelines presented here have held true all over the world, no matter what the culture of the child, for over 100 years. It is the goal of this book to help parents look for, discover, appreciate, and support the mental, physical, and emotional needs of the child in the first three years of life. There are over 180 black and white pictures from the author’s work around the world with children from birth to three years of age. 

Child of the World: Montessori, Global Education for Age 3 to 12+ by Susan Mayclin Stephenson—  Stephenson’s volume is a wonderful resource for parents seeking thoughtful, sound advice on raising well-grounded children in a chaotic world. Presenting Montessori principles in clear and eloquent prose, Stephenson’s legacy will be a tremendous service to generations of parents to come.


 Montessori Madness! by Trevor Eissler—   Montessori Madness! explains why the incremental steps politicians and administrators continue to propose are incremental steps in the wrong direction. The entire system must be turned on its head. This book asks parents to take a look one thirty-minute observation at a Montessori school. Your picture of what education should look like will never be the same.



Montessori: The Elementary Years Ages 6-12

Montessori Kindergarten: Empowering & Essential

Living Montessori: Stephen Curry & Family