Admissions & Programs
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The Montessori School of Lemont serves children from age three through eighth grade and is registered with the Illinois State Board of Education and affiliated with the American Montessori Society.

Students are combined in
multi-age grouped classrooms of
3-6 year olds
6-9 year olds
9-12 year olds
12-15 year olds

This allows them to work at their own level in each area of the curriculum under the guidance of Montessori teachers.


Admission is based on a child’s developmental readiness and class placement is made with a goal of attaining a balance of age and gender within each program. Siblings of children already enrolled in the school and transfer students from other Montessori schools are given priority in the enrollment process.

Registration takes place in February of each year for the following academic year. To begin the process, parents may call or email to be placed on an invitation list to attend an informational “Coffee.” Applications will be offered to families who attend a Coffee. Upon acceptance, the remaining enrollment forms and a 10% tuition deposit are due to reserve your child’s placement in our program. 

The Montessori School of Lemont does not discriminate and admits students of any gender, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin to all rights, privileges, programs and activities available to students at the school. 

Are you interested in learning more? We invite you to attend an informational session which we call “Coffees.” Learn about the Montessori philosophy, curriculum, and our admissions process. Observe classes and chat with parents, staff and our student ambassadors about their MSOL experience. Coffees are one of the few adult-only events at MSOL and are held monthly starting in November of each year. 

Please call the office or email us to RSVP:

November 7, 2024
December 5, 2024
January 9, 2025
February 6, 2025
March 6, 2025

April 3, 2025
May 1, 2025

Come for coffee… stay for a few years!


The 3-6 year old or Primary child is in what Montessori referred to as the “First Plane of Development.” The child at this level has a sensorial relationship to his/her environment; and learns by touching and manipulating real objects. Lessons consist of concrete materials that the child is encouraged to explore following an initial presentation by a trained Montessori director. Academic achievement is often the outcome of this well rounded curriculum, however Montessori’s goal was not merely academic success rather she sought to nurture the spirit and aid in the development of the child as a whole or Education for Life. There are six basic areas of the Montessori Primary Curriculum in addition to Art and Music activities which are included in the Sensorial, Language and Geography Areas:

Practical Life activities help the child to develop concentration, coordination, independence and the routine of completing a work cycle using activities of daily life.

Sensorial activities train the child to use all senses to explore their environment.

Math provides a foundation for problem solving and critical thinking skills through the use of concrete materials.

Language brings together the reading and writing skills of the child to develop logical thinking.

Science and Geography offer the child a context in which to understand his existence.

Montessori Kindergarten: Empowering and Essential



Our Elementary program begins with and completes Montessori’s “Second Plane of Development.” This plane begins with concrete materials and ends with the understanding of the academic work in the abstract. The core curriculum is an extension of the Primary curriculum and includes Music, Language, Math, Geometry, Science and the Cultural Subjects. As in the Primary level, Art and Music activities are integral to other areas, specifically the cultural subjects. Daily outdoor activity time emphasizes team building and sportsmanship. While the Elementary student no longer requires the Practical Life Curriculum to develop his/her concentration, coordination, independence and responsibility that they gained during their Primary years, Practical Life remains one of the most important areas of the curriculum. 

In the Second Plane these patterns of learning, behavior, attitudes and social interaction blossom under the guidance of the Elementary staff. The 6-12 year old student is involved in the Creation of Self through developing use of reason, intelligence and imagination to understand ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘when’. They have a physical relationship to the classroom environment for which they share responsibility to maintain an aesthetically pleasing work environment. Collaboration on this practical challenge involves the use of intelligence and imagination in socially acceptable ways. As students gains expertise in relationship to their peer group, they are gradually developing a sense of diplomacy, social integration and the ability to assume various leadership roles. By the time Montessori students have successfully met the challenges of the Second Plane of Development, our staff delights in knowing that they have become a person with the self-confidence and knowledge, capable of succeeding by their own efforts and abilities. Practical Life in action.

Montessori: The Elementary Years


The Adolescent Level is the “Third Plane of Development” and is described by Montessori as the flowering of the social and political human. The 12-15 year old student’s language changes from “Help me to do it myself” to “Help me to think for myself”. Our Adolescent Program focuses on Respect, Peace, Deeper Learning, Community Compassion, Hard Work, and Community Service.

Students prepare for adult life through their studies of the Earth and living things (Geography, Biology, Zoology, Comparative Anatomy), human progress and the building up of civilization (Physics, Chemistry, Mechanics, Engineering, Economics, Current Events), and the history of humanity (Scientific Discoveries, Cultural Differences, War, Religion, Patriotism, Law and Government, Literature). The MSOL Fresh Market is the Adolescent classroom’s micro-econ project that opens shop every Thursday to sell organic eggs, freshly baked goods, and a variety of other handcrafted items that the Adolescent students create. Through classwork, students learn how to market and run a business, budget money, and use a checkbook. They also learn the importance of benevolence by donating a portion of their business earnings to a local charity. Throughout the year, the students embark on multiple field studies, including volunteering at Feed My Starving Children and taking a trip to the Center for American Archaeology. These field studies develop leadership, promote the importance of service learning, strengthen community, and are important real world experiences that create a vision of adulthood. The Adolescent classroom also places an emphasis on self-expression in which students are encouraged to engage in art, music, and language.

The classroom environment is set up to allow a variety of lesson types, including mini-lessons, seminars, whole group lessons, group initiatives, and student directed learning. Students are organized and know their jobs and responsibilities, allowing them to plan their work schedules according to their educational plan.The students engage in regular evaluations which include rubrics, self and peer checking, check lists, and completion percentages as well as student led conferences. The classroom “climate” is one of respect, friendliness, and openness. 

Summer Specials


The 2024 Summer Program is flexible, allowing families to register for select weeks or the entire session. The Summer Program offers an extended day schedule for students entering 1st-6th grade.
Classes meet from 9:00 am -3:00 pm and students can choose from a variety of weekly camps including Farmessori, Montessori Mosaic Project, Life on the Farm, We’ve Got Wings, All Fun & Games, Discovery in Architecture, and Beautiful Bugs.  See the Registration paperwork for indepth descriptions of each class and to sign your child up!

2024 Summer Specials Flyer

2024 Summer Specials Registration

Registration paperwork and fees must be turned into the school office no later than 5/20/2024.

Students do not need to be enrolled at MSOL to participate in Summer Specials. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. 
Fees will be refunded if minimum enrollment requirements are not met and/or if classes are full.
Summer Specials are facilitated completely independent of Montessori School of Lemont. All communication regarding classes will be directed to Rebecca McClenning at 815-834-0607 or 

Special Classes

We are proud to offer a wide variety of extracurricular classes for all students, from the Primary level to Adolescent. These classes include Yoga, Soccer, Farming, Arts & Crafts, and Board Games.

Classes change each semester. You can find more information on the current semester’s classes in the form below.

Specials Flyer

Before & After School Care

Before School Care is offered from 7:45-8:45 am. After School Care is offered from 3:00-5:00 pm. Both programs are available to families for additional charges. Parents will be invoiced at the end of each month.

Registration for Before/After School Care is currently required. Please note that space for the After School Care program is limited and that readiness for the extended hours is at the teacher’s discretion.

Before Care*
(all ages)

7:45 – 8:45 am

(3-4 year olds)

Half Day
8:30 – 11:30 am

Extended Day
8:30am – 3:00 pm
8:45am – 3:15 pm

(5 by Sept. 1)

8:30am – 3:00 pm
8:45am – 3:15 pm

Elementary & Adolescent
(6-15 year olds)

8:30am – 3:15 pm

After Care*
(all ages)

3:00 – 5:00 pm

* Additional fees are assessed for these programs.